The Startup Academy are in full swing. In Week 6, Georg Meuser guided the Future Founders through a session on Financial planning.
Here are some insights into the session:
🤑”…In addition, we received important tips on finding investors as well as further tips on financing options, and also with regard to dealing with banks, that both are very critical people for instance first, who want to know exactly what happens with the money. In this respect, this week has sensitized us to the fact that we have to draw up our financial plan in detail if we want to receive an investment.”
💰”This session was very helpful to synergize our business plan with a financial plan in a way that results in an optimum budget planned profitable model.”
🤩 “We learned and discussed more how to plan, manage & raise capital for the startup… A wonderful & one of the best sessions at Berlin Startup School!”
🙏 ”Though the lesson was quite challenging for most participants, ourselves included, we understand the vital role of financial planning and understanding to any businesses. The instructor was very supportive and patient when explaining various key terms, listing different options, and also sharing his experience in the field for us to have a closer look. We really appreciate the tremendous support and hard work that he put into the lesson for all the participants to obtain a deeper understanding of finance.”
These quotes are from participants in the Startup Academy's Spring Batch 2022.
Thanks to our sponsor Wirtschaftsjunioren Berlin for offering several student scholarships to our participants.S