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Why you need a proper Marketing strategy (Week 9 in the Startup Academy)


Aktualisiert: 12. Feb. 2023

Startup Academy's Week 9 zoomed in on Marketing. This session was held by Rita Katona who is a Growth Architect at BCG Digital Ventures, and has over 10 years of experience in marketing and startups.

Read about the reflections from the Future Founders of the Startup Academy: 🗣 ”Once again, this webinar included a stimulating discussion with the other teams. This kind of exchange allows us to learn a lot more. We especially appreciated Ms. Katona's offer to all teams to schedule an individual consultation session with her. She also pointed out that there are other in-depth marketing courses at Startup School that might be of use.”

📈 “In the workshop, we talked about various aspects of marketing, the need for a startup marketing plan, elements of marketing, various marketing channels, and how to measure the conversions using performance marketing.”

🙏 ”In addition to offering us her insights and experience in the field of marketing within this session, she [Rita Katona - Ed.] also encouraged us to stay curious and motivated with marketing cases from her favorite website “”. We feel very supported by her dedicated efforts to support us and other fellows with an individual follow-up of 1 hour for each interested team after the workshop.”

🗯 “I really enjoyed this week's session as it brought me an introduction to a topic that I have no expertise in so far but one that is surely very important for a company as any good idea cannot survive without customers which you can only communicate with effectively with a good marketing strategy.”

These quotes are from participants in the Startup Academy's Spring Batch 2022.

Thanks to our sponsor Wirtschaftsjunioren Berlin for offering several student scholarships to our participants.

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