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8+4 SEO Tips & Tricks for Early Stage Startups

Aktualisiert: 25. Nov. 2021

With your first website you should already develop your SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

Here are 8 Tips & Tricks that improve your ranking on Google and other Search Engines:

1. Use the most important keywords that people search for in your texts.

This way the algorithm understands what you are offering!

2. List and link all your sites in the footer (or build a separate page for that).

Your website is trustworthier if you have a logic and linkages within your website.

3. Ask partners to link your website on theirs (it's called "Deep Linking").

Your website is even trustworthier, of course, if others link to it.

4. Resize your images (e.g. with

Faster loading times = "good" website.

5. Don't forget ALT(ernative)/tooltip image descriptions.

If your website can't load the images somehow it will show the text as a backup. And visually impaired people will be able to read the texts instead of viewing the images.

6. Get listed on Google as a business.

Increase your credibility by directly interacting with Google.

7. Write a Blog

Simply more content for Google to scrape + the website is constantly developing its content = "good" website.

8. Create a FAQ page

If you are lucky the answers will be shown as the first result on Google when somebody is typing in that question in Google.

Edit from 25th of November:

Thanks to a lot of great comments under the post from our founder Tino on LinkedIn we have complemented the list:

9. Recommended by Jesse Khala:

- Check Google Search Console to ensure you have no mobile usability issues

10. Recommended by Moritz Spangenberg:

"Make sure to invest in quality content and not only “keyword content”."

11. Recommended by Angelika Goll:

"Ask yourself three questions:

✏️ Is it happening (Largest Contentful Pain)

✏️ Is it responsive (First Input Delay)

✏️ Is it stable (Cumulative Layout Shift)"

12. And for the more technical people out there, a recommendation from Mario Duhanic:

"Do you want to serve devices in all resolutions? If so, I recommend designing the website build process to use so-called source sets whenever bitmaps are included. I outline this in a pseudo-markup, the bitmaps here are automatically generated from their large originals and are given unique file names so that nothing is loaded from the caches during updates. This construct gives the browser a set of bitmaps from which the browser chooses the best one, depending on the technology (I use webp + jpeg) and resolution:

<picture class="{{classes}}">

<source media="(min-width: {{large }}px)"



<source media="(min-width: {{ ... }}px)"


<!-- now here would come medium and small -->

<!-- and finally the img tag with its alt attribute -->

<img src="{{ small permalink }}"

alt="{{ alt }}"

class="{{ classes }}">


I also recommend SVGs and other path-oriented methods where it makes sense. Or PNGs. Don't forget the open graph meta!"


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