This is a summary about the online Q&A with Berlin Startup School & Argo.Berlin on the 19th of March 2020.

How to do Online Marketing during times of the Corona Virus:
It’s hard to get the attention of people because the focus is on the Corona virus
Google Ads don’t make a lot of sense at the moment because people are insecure
People might not buy at the moment but they plan to buy in 6-12 months
You can start building up a community and creating content today!
Affiliate Marketing: Choose a brand that has already a reputation, that makes it easier to sell
Advice: Don’t think short-term, think long-term!
About building up companies during times of the Corona Virus:
Start with an easy solution: Make a Q&A or build a small webpage to test what people actually want and need
Don’t pay for somebody building up your website right away. Make sure that you know what people want first!
Advice: Build a solution that is also relevant after the crisis!
Instagram for beginners:
Start with more than 1 picture (don’t start with an empty feed)
Usually posting 1 picture a day is enough to feed the algorithm
Instagram is about “Fire & forget” that means you need content constantly
You need a story about your product or service – what are you offering?
Instagram and Facebook are connected: You can choose a target group for Facebook ads and it will applied on an Instagram ad, too.
(Re-)Post videos of people who unwrap your products
Post the content on Facebook, too (can be automized).
Check out for upcoming webinars & live-q&a.